
Hastings the Boat Dog is Totally Bored by the Total Eclipse.

Spider webs by our "campsite"
 The humans have done it again. These folks never cease to amaze me. 

After much going back and forth, oscillating and undulating, a car trip to the mountains to see the “eclipse” was planned. They were totally excited, poor dears, about totally seeing “totality". 

So they pack me in a car. It’s a nice Nissan SUV this time, not the usual cheapest cheap thing they normally rent me. 

We drove. And we drove. And then we drove some more. Much elation was communicated as we passed something called the “Peach-oid” in Gaffney, SC, which apparently is President Underwood’s hometown. Anyway, a hotel stop! What joy! But wait, our normal La Quinta king bed is somehow distressingly disappointing. Ugh, can’t they follow directions! I like LQ, not Red Roof Inn! Oh bother.

On the road again. Into the mountains now, lots of trees and smells. Now a dirt road! They are getting adventurous. At the end, it’s (oh God, save me) a campground! But all the sites are full! A nice lady…she must be nice because when I bark at her like a demon she isn’t put off…says everyone has planned their eclipse experience for years in advance. But there’s a field we can hike to and sleep in. What?????

We park the car and march off to the field, which is miles away. It’s pretty here and there’s a little waterfall. The humans are too lazy to walk their tent to the field. We sleep in the car off of the road, which isn’t too bad because that’s where our food is. And even though they fail at most everything, they did remember to bring my bed this time. 
The galley
We get up and have breakfast and coffee (none for me, thanks anyway) and then the long haired one decides the field isn’t good enough…let's hike up the tallest waterfall on the tallest mountain in the world to see “the eclipse”. Strangers try to put her off: “You’re taking your dog?,” they ask with concern, "It’s really steep!" But alas, off we go.
Let the hike begin!
 We pass at least ten waterfalls on the way, but apparently none are tall enough for my losers…er, I mean humans. It’s okay though, because I really do love a good hike. And while I might be getting a little slower while going up this Mt. Everest of North Carolina, I’m still in better shape than them!

First waterfall. Not good enough.
Second waterfall. Not gonna work. 
Third waterfall. Still not there!
Final waterfall, thank goodness!
Finally, we get to “the spot”. We can tell, because there’s like 20 other people (many who also dragged their dogs up hill!). I met Apollo, who was like four of me but very chill, and Ruby, who was obnoxious. 

It was sunny and seemed like a good idea for everyone to go swimming in the waterfall pools. Darling Dearest Daddy inflates our lazy lounge bag and we chilled while eating crackers, cheese and salami. I may have dozed off, it was a long hike. When I awoke the lounge had deflated and our bums were on the ground. Then I realized the sun had gone and it was very cold, what with being wet and all.  
What, you don't have a couch in the middle of nowhere? 
Watching Apollo. He better stay away from our crackers / pinhole viewer that, ha, we didn't need!
It got dark. Exciting. 
After "the eclipse".....has my life changed? No. More cheese, please! 
Did you watch the eclipse last week? Did you eat cheese during it? 

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  1. I'm eating cheese right now as I read your blog post, Hastings. I really feel for you, being saddled with such hapless humans. But at least they generally remember to have cheese on hand. So they can't be all bad, can they? Tell the crazy long haired one that I really like her dress. Very cute and stylish hiking wear. :-)

    1. Thanks! The dress has even survived 6 years of muddy dog attacks. We are really hard on our gear!

  2. The hike looks lovely - all those waterfalls are pretty and enticing - hopefully, the eclipse experience was as well. We had cloudy skies all day, but during one break in them, I could see a sun that looked like a half moon. I also love your dress, Lucy!

    1. Thanks! We did have a great trip - North Carolina is beautiful!


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