
Exumas: Highbourne Cay and Waterworld

March 12 & 13th, 2017

Highbourne Cay Beach, Exumas, Bahamas
Highbourne Cay Beach
We stopped at Highbourne Cay after our Banks crossing. It was super busy with yachts and jet skis and boats coming and going. Matt went to the marina in the dinghy and bought gas, diesel, and a few groceries. Definitely the most expensive stop yet - eggs were $8! The nice thing about the Bahamas are all the British products: Cadbury's and digestive biscuits! 
Highbourne Cay anchorage, Exumas, Bahamas
Lots of yachts at Highbourne! 
We skipped down a few miles to Long Cay and an area called Waterworld where we planned to wait out a cold front. Unfortunately, there was nowhere to land Hastings (private houses or rocks) and we were unimpressed by the protection. 
Current eddies off Waterworld area, Exumas
Full Moon
We called Exuma Land and Sea Park for a Wardericks Wells north field mooring, but there were about 90 people stepping on each other trying to get 1 available mooring there! We were told Emerald Rocks moorings had space so sailed 30 miles down and settled in for a few days of windy weather. 
Our route: Highbourne Cay to Waterworld and then south!

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  1. I haven't said it for a while, but your pictures are always so beautiful (I really like one of the full moon). But for some reason I always leave you blog feeling hungry. Hmmm . . . now where did I hide those milk chocolate Digestives?

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    1. Thank you! We may not have much "real" food left, but we can always find chocolate biscuits, lol.

  2. Beautiful shots! I guess Hastings does his business on board, right? If we would not find anywhere to land our dogs, we had to move, unfortunately... It was so important to find anchorages with a beach or a public landing.

    1. If it's a crisis, he will go on board, but land is 100 times better. In this case, we dinghyed him to a beach, but we would not have been able to get to that beach after the wind shifted and filled in, so it wasn't a long term solution. Several days onboard with no one being able to leave is a a situation no one enjoys! Finding a good public beach is priority #1!


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