
Exuma Land and Sea Park: Emerald Rock Moorings

March 14-19th, 2017 We travelled to Warderick Wells in the Exuma Land and Sea Park and picked up a mooring in the Emerald Rock mooring field. The Exuma Land and Sea Park is part of the Bahamas National Trust and extends about 4 miles north of Warderick Wells...

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Exumas: Highbourne Cay and Waterworld

March 12 & 13th, 2017 Highbourne Cay Beach We stopped at Highbourne Cay after our Banks crossing. It was super busy with yachts and jet skis and boats coming and going. Matt went to the marina in the dinghy and bought gas, diesel, and a few groceries. Definitely the...

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Bimini Bread Rolls and Coffee

Matt's Marvelous Mouthwatering Morsels: Bimini Bread and Cafe Aux Parents Apologies, dear readers, for the extended culinary hiatus. We have been incommunicado in the wild for weeks and weeks. We have returned to civilization to restock the larder and use the internet. It seems like a good time...

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New Providence Island and Great Bahama Bank

March 10th & 11th, 2017 We left the Whale and Bird Cay anchorage and almost immediately were in 9,900 feet of water. That's a lot of water! Matt was really hoping something could break because the 2,700 feet of water he swam in over the Gulf Stream wasn't...

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The last of the Berry Islands: Soldier Cay and Bird Cay

March 8th & 9th, 2017 We had a great 10 days at Hoffman's Cay, but decided to take advantage of a few days of good weather to start making the trek to the Exumas. Thankfully our first day on the move was a short one; we made the...

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10 Days in Hoffman's Cay, Berry Islands

It's been so long since a blog post I can't even remember when we were at Hoffman's. Let's say, sometime in February. We spent 10 days there waiting for a front to pass and had 5 days with 20-30 knot winds. Our anchorage was so protected from the...

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Hoffman's Blue Hole Adventure

February 26, 2017: Hastings's Log: Hoffman's Cay, Berry Islands Are you ready for an adventure? My humans ask. Ugh, No. These adventures are always terrible ideas and involve suffering and stupidity. They never bring snacks, but love to thrust tepid water in my face instead of jerky. Nope,...

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