
3 nights at Bimini Sands Marina, South Bimini

We originally signed up for 2 nights at Bimini Sands Marina in order to clear in and avoid a cold front. We then found we could access the office Wi-Fi from the comfort of our boat and seriously thought about never living this little slice of heaven.

First roll in Bahamian sand complete - Hastings is happy!
Dog Footprints in the sand, South Bimini, Bahamas
Footprints in the sand
We met a lovely German couple who cross every year from Florida and spend 3 months at this marina. Wi-Fi, power, a safe harbor, beautiful beach, 2 pools, no worries about dragging or other boats or the weather; I think they have the right idea! 2 nights became 3. Our wallets were thrilled and delighted when the Wi-Fi stopped working on night 3 and we were forced to consider moving on!
Bimini Sands infinity pool
Bimini Sands pool
We dinghyed over to North Bimini and tied to a random ladder. Matt went to the BTC office, conveniently located under the cell tower. We purchased a Bahamian SIM card here - we paid $25 for activation and SIM card and $30 for a month of 3GB of data. The same deal costs over $100 from Mr.SimCard online. We can re-purchase data through text with BTC and won't have to revisit the office.

Sailboats at anchor, North Bimini, Bahamas
North Bimini anchorage
South Bimini is very small. It is 2 miles down a sand packed road to the airport. A 10 minute walk will take you from the marina to the ferry dock and past a snack bar, grocery store and liquor store. We had conch from the snack bar and bought $5 chilled eggs from Ohio from the grocery store (a 12 x 10 room). It is definatley more expensive in the Bahamas - tins of tomatoes were $3 and Fruit Loops cereal was $8. The liquor store keeps random hours and wasn't open, so we still don't know how much beer and rum cost. Diesel was $4.40 a gallon (in Virginia we paid $2.50, Florida $3)

South Bimini road, Bahamas
The exciting main drag of South Bimini - snack bar, grocery store, liquor store
Sailboat in the sunset, Bimini, Bahamas
Sunset over the Atlantic
Would you prefer to spend a long time at a lovely resort, relaxing, or do you prefer the unknown? 

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  1. The unknown. Definitely the unknown. But it's not a fair competition because I really don't like spending time in marinas and I love being out in the wilderness.

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    1. The call of the wild! Marinas are too expensive for us, but I really enjoy topping off batteries, using Wi-Fi, and laundry machines. I also think Hastings loves marinas - walks anytime, on demand! As soon as we leave, we're glad to have left

  2. Usually the unknown, unless I would be fed up with the unknown and need a little break from adventure. And, there is enough money in my wallet! :-) Time to eat like the locals and skip imported foods, it looks like!

    1. The unknown is such a call - but sometimes it's nice to sleep at night and not be investigation winds, checking the anchor, and wondering what that new noise is! Hopefully we have done a good enough job provisioning that we won't be buying too many groceries. Without access to Amazon Prime, we're hoping the Bahamas will actually be quite cheap for us!

  3. If you’re using M2M in remote areas or on the move, make sure you utilize a non-steered roaming solution.


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