
Portsmouth, VA to Mobjack Bay

Portsmouth, VA

We spent a day in Portsmouth. There are two free docks that we dinghy-ed to and enjoyed the town - shopping, restaurants, museums and historic homes all by the waterfront. MM0 anchorage is much nicer than the books/apps make it sound. We didn’t experience wakes, had a breeze, and had plenty of room in my little crab pot paradise.
Portsmouth VA Free Docks, ICW MM 0
One of Two Free Docks at Portsmouth
Bier Garden, Portsmouth VA
Good honest lunch. Hate it when lunch lies! German beers, sausage, and German chocolate cake!
Lighthouse Ship, Portsmouth, VA
Lighthouse Boat, living in concrete.
Fresnel Lens, Portsmouth, VA
Fresnel Lens
Portsmouth Historic Homes, VA
Residential Street

Hampton Roads 

We were on full alert for the next 10 miles: we’re back to aircraft carriers, 1,000 ft container ships, tugs, sailboats and jet skis. Don’t forget the “Navy underwater explosive area” “Navy restricted area” and “magnetic re-alignment area”. And then there were the fishing boats, leisurely casting lines in this melee!
Helming a sailboat through Hampton Roads
You've noticed I'm always at the helm, too?
Navy Ships, Hampton Roads
Navy and Pleasure Boats
Container Ship, Hampton Roads
1,000 ft long container ship
Container Ship, Hampton Roads
This container ship had two tugs pushing it!
Navy Ships, Hampton Roads
Navy war ship and hospital ship
Sailing Hampton Roads Channel
Busy, busy - but the nutters behind turned into the wind and raised their sails!
Hampton Roads Green Marker
Bell buoy
Aircraft Carrier, Hampton Roads
Aircraft carrier
Old Point Comfort Light, Hampton Roads, VA
Old Point Comfort Light
Luckily, we had an outgoing tide and zipped through this area and raised the sails in Chesapeake Bay. Can you believe we made it to Chesapeake Bay?! We sure can’t!
Sailing Wing on Wing Chesapeake Bay

Mobjack Bay

We sailed into Mobjack Bay and sailed into the East River. We anchored (with the requisite discussion) and immediately took Hastings to a boat ramp for a walk. Inde was swinging in the current and not the wind, so we watched the sunset, slept on the tramps, and watched the last of the Perseid meteor shower. Nice to be back to dark night skies.
East River Mobjack Bay Sunset, Chesapeake Bay

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  1. Congratulations on making it to the Chesapeake Bay. Enjoy some "real" sailing and exploring the cute towns around! I have noticed you are at the helm all the time, Lucy. It is nice that Matt doesn't mind taking photographs during those moments! :-)

    1. One of these days I'll get around to taking pictures of him "always cooking" or "always fixing things!"


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